I'm exactly where I'm meant to be
Jul 25, 2024
I hear my mom softly whisper my name. I'm fully present and awake. It's as if she or it may not even be there, but I know they are, and that it was.
It’s a breath of a moment. The deepest knowing of it’s truth, and yet it is fleeting and seems to disappear in the wind.
A few days ago my mom appeared in Spirit, showing how proud she was of me. I felt myself beaming, just knowing she loved assisting me in this work that I’m so devoted to right now,… holding readings and supporting others to step more fully into their own truths, intuition and hearts.
I believe our bodies play a huge role in awakening our intuition, and I believe we have many tools to support us further in reclaiming what is innate in us.
We are a whole ecosystem of beauty… our bodies, minds and spirits. And if we can bring them all together as one, our individual magic unfolds.
We are each so individual and also connected, that we must be looked upon and guided this way, intertwining our bodies, hearts and souls… together and individually.
It is my greatest hope and honor and gift in this lifetime to share and lead in this way.
I know why I’m here.
I know what I’m meant to do, to share and to lead.
At times in life I’ve been so clear, and at times I’ve faltered, and all the faltering becomes so clear… once YOU are clear.
I tear up feeling my mom. How she rests inside and next to everyone she loves so dearly, each person’s heart that she has touched.
Her physical existence mattered and shaped her children, her husband, her dearly loved friends in SUCH big ways.
And then I giggle.
I realize she never knew me in her physical form as a psychic medium... even though she always already knew in her physical form.
And yet with her presence in the stars and the moon, the seat right next to me, sharing the same space of air that I breathe... I've not held a moment of sadness wishing she knew then, who I am now...
Because it has always been the clearest thing I know... that she knows.
She supports me and works next to me as I work. She smiles at me, and laughs by my side.
She finally got her wish with me, as an adult. We are a team, and she still has a huge part in the unfolding and success of my life.
Having this connection to her in Spirit has changed my past relationship with her, my present strife and my future knowledge of exactly where I desire to go, who I want to be, and what is truly important to me in this lifetime.
And as I contemplate life and ponder these swirling of images moving around me in this moment, I smile.
I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. There is no question.
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