Who are you growing into?

Oct 21, 2024

A couple thoughts have shown up multiple times in Readings and life this past week, so I can’t help but take a moment to touch on it…

One is the possibility that every seven years, our body and cells completely regenerate. 
While I believe we do, I also know different organs, tissues, muscles and bones carry their own timeline, as do our souls. 
Some of us may feel a new person within us emerges more often, some of us feel less…
So we trust ourself and what feels right in us… individually. 
So many things can play a part in the speed that our desires and needs regenerate… life events such as marriages, divorce, births, deaths, accidents, sickness. I could go on…
And as we experience these things, we have these great choices…
Do I stay in what I have worked so hard to create in my life, or do I go? Am I still that same person after all this, that I used to be?
(This is the other theme.)
It’s interesting how often this question can regenerate in our lives…
I believe when we are in a place of back and forth within ourselves, it is a sign to pause…
To recognize we are stuck in our logical minds, and it is time to breathe versus react…
To wait for our internal green light or red light to show us more, and by show us more, I mean so much. 
This is a time to step more fully into who we are meant to be, because isn’t the shift here really coming from ourselves?
From our own evolvement…
From our cells, tissues, hearts and souls taking their much needed journey of regeneration?
A necessary continuing of our life is what this feels like to me. 
A knowing we are not here to stay stuck in who we were years ago. 
We are meant to grow. 
We are meant to evolve. 
And we are meant to stay true to who we are now.
We are not meant to gaslight her. 
Our wish for someone else or something else to change is a fight we aren’t responsible for. 
We are responsible for continuing our own evolution, creating happiness for ourselves, and allowing the way to open before us. 
The decision won’t be so hard when we step away from expecting ourselves to know before we are ready to know.
Instead of pushing, 
Try softening… 
Try observing. 
There is a balance of response that we all navigate as we live life, and life is meant to be lived as humans, feeling into the human emotion, knowing it more deeply, feeling it more genuinely and truly, even when genuine and truly hurts.. 
We are art. 
Nothing we do can ever change this. 
And so we drop deeper into the whispers of our tissues and our souls, we work to push away the muck, so we feel and know what is right for us. 
We rest into this, and we listen… To our tissues, to our body, to Spirit. 
And from there, our next iteration of ourselves emerges.
Discover more about your next iteration of who you are.

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