Cultivate intuitive healing through connected movement and collective presence





Are you struggling with pain and discomfort that lingers despite your best efforts? Many of us carry the impact of past experiences - both physical and emotional - in our bodies, often without realizing it. This stored tension can manifest as chronic pain, restricted movement, or a general sense of disconnection from our bodies.

The Collective offers a transformative path to healing. This comprehensive method doesn't just address surface-level symptoms; it helps you gently release deeply held patterns of tension and trauma. Through intuitive movements and personalized guidance, we support you in reconnecting with your body's innate wisdom and unlocking its natural healing abilities.

Our approach integrates physical techniques with practices that soothe your nervous system, promoting overall wellness from the inside out. We've guided countless women in reclaiming their bodies and their lives, addressing a wide range of chronic issues - from persistent back pain and hip discomfort to pelvic floor dysfunction and beyond.

Recommended by healthcare practitioners and embraced by a community of women just like you, The Collective is your partner in the journey towards a pain-free, vibrant life.

Unlock access to LIVE Zoom Sessions with Lauren after purchasing The Collective. Inside these Live Sessions, open your intuition more deeply, through intuitive and emotional exploration, somatic movement and gentle breathing work.




The Collective is built on several core elements, each designed to bring you closer to the harmony.

  • 100+ Personalized Movement Classes: Explore movement in a way that feels good and right for you, helping you avoid the rut of repetitive exercises and the frustration of misaligned practices.
  • Guided Meditations for Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit: Through a series of carefully crafted modules, you'll explore meditation techniques, journal prompts, and introspective exercises designed to illuminate your inner light and deepen your connection with your intuition.
  • Targeted Series for Every Body Part: From your toes to the crown of your head, find specialized series aimed at nurturing and healing your body’s specific needs, making sure no part of you is overlooked.

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.


Learn vital education and break dysfunctional breathing patterns to calm your nervous system, anxiety and stress. Unstick fascia and rebalance your pelvic floor.


Inside the Spirit category, explore and deepen your connection to intuition.


Shift pelvic floor dysfunction, balance and strength to relieve body tightness and pain. 


Relieve headaches and/or nurture your spinning mind into a new place.


Your ribs play a HUGE role in shifting you out of body pain, pelvic floor dysfunction and anxiety! *Member Favorite*


Open and reset neck and shoulder tension and pain. 


Reset tight, painful backs, gain strength and better alignment.


Shift the look of your abdominals and lymphatic movement. Take it slowly. Use the breathing cues!


Feel years younger and more alive with beautiful access to every part of your feet and body!

Join the Collective

Nurture Your Inner Strength and Release Pain Patterns 

Without the pressure of perfection (because Imperfection is Better Anyway)




  • Individuals struggling with chronic pain or discomfort.
  • Those dealing with recurring issues like back pain, hip discomfort, or pelvic floor dysfunction, seeking a more comprehensive solution.
  • People who suspect their physical pain might be connected to past experiences or emotional stress.
  • Anyone who's tried targeted therapies or quick fixes and felt there was a deeper, underlying issue not being addressed.
  • Individuals open to exploring the connection between physical symptoms and stored tension or trauma in the body.
  • Those looking for a gentle, intuitive approach to movement and healing that respects their body's unique needs and rhythms.
  • People seeking not just temporary pain relief, but a transformative journey towards overall wellness and body awareness.
  • Individuals interested in learning techniques to calm their nervous system and promote whole-body healing.
  • Anyone ready to move beyond symptom management and cultivate a deeper, more nurturing relationship with their body.



  • Those looking for a quick fix or overnight transformation without the willingness to engage deeply with themselves.
  • Individuals not open to exploring the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Anyone not ready to commit to a practice that requires time, patience, and self-reflection.
  • Those who prefer a conventional approach to fitness and wellness, not interested in the integration of movement with emotional and spiritual exploration.



Lovely to meet you. I’m Lauren, the heart behind The Collective, and I’m here to walk with you as you rediscover your body’s language and intuition. My journey into movement began with ballet — a beautiful, but demanding, form of expression that taught me both the resilience and fragility of the body. For years, I pushed through pain, silencing the signals my body tried to send, a choice that led me down a path of disconnection and discomfort (similar to the struggles I know many of you face now).

This journey — through the lows of injury and the highs of performance — ultimately guided me to a profound understanding of the body's interconnectedness with our emotional and spiritual selves. So I dove even deeper into learning: physical therapy, Pilates, inner child work, psychic mediumistic mentorships, nervous system and pelvic floor strategies… It all brought me to a holistic approach to well-being that I'm eager to share with you.

My purpose is to offer you the wisdom, practices, and community support needed to navigate your own path. Together, we'll explore a more compassionate, integrated way to wellness, one that honors your unique story and nurtures you wholly.

Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom

Deepen Your Intuition through The Collective's Guided Classes inside the Spirit Category, as well as an opportunity to join Lauren in LIVE Saturday morning Sessions together after The Collective purchase!

"There were so many unseen systems in my body that were crying out for attention and I didn't know how to listen to them or help them. Then I found The Collective! They teach how all these systems layer together and start to collaborate so we can understand and respond!

Suddenly, when you know what they are and how to change them, your body is different and not screaming out in pain."

Gervase K.

"Lauren understands the body and has an uncanny way of figuring out the root of each person's ailments and pain, simply by watching a person move. At first sight, Lauren's approach may appear simplistic, but her fastidious method of instruction provides results and I have seen my body change. "

Jennifer P.

"The Collective is the best movement program I have ever been in. Every class has a purpose and is geared toward keeping you moving correctly to stay out of pain and discomfort. Lauren's program is so much more than just exercises... you will definitely get in shape, but it is so much more."

Lissa E.


Experience a new level of wellness for less than the cost of a weekly pilates class:


every 6 months

  • Access to 100+ Movement Classes: If you were to attend Pilates classes across the country, this would cost you around $3,000 or more.
  • Spirit Classes for Intuitive Strength: Designed to deepen your connection to your inner self, something you could invest about $1,600+ in with a personal coach.
  • Specialized Series for Targeted Area: Addressing common pain points like the neck, back, and pelvic floor. Access to such specialized series could easily add up to $2,900 in physical therapy sessions.
  • Guided Meditations and Shamanic Journey-style Practices: Valued at $900, these meditations aren't just about relaxation. They're about opening your body, heart, and intuition in ways you've never experienced.
  • Educational Chapters of Your Foundations Course: The knowledge packed into these chapters draws from years of expertise and training, which is hard to put a price on, but let’s conservatively estimate $2,000 in a formal education setting.

Altogether, this is a combined value of $10,300!



Starting this journey with The Collective is about trust — trusting in the process and, more importantly, in yourself. That's why I offer a unique guarantee. It’s designed to do two things: relieve some of the pressure that comes with starting something new, AND encouraging you to genuinely engage with the process from the get-go.

Here’s how it works: If, within the first 7 days, you find that despite diving into at least two foundational chapters and completing the associated quizzes, you feel that this isn't the right fit for you, simply share your completed work with us, and you'll be eligible for a complete refund.

This guarantee is my way of assuring you that your commitment to transforming your relationship with your body is fully supported, but it's also there to remind you that real change begins with real participation.